The Creek

The Consultancy

Ferron Creek is a beautiful stream that flows from the alpine meadows of the Manti-Lasal mountains of central Utah tumbling down ancient streambeds through towering buttes and sandstone canyons, over ancestral farmland, and ultimately winding its way through the spectacular red-rock formations of the San Rafael Swell.

As a metaphor for organizations it shows the power of purpose driven, unified effort as it carves its way to the Colorado River. It also symbolizes the creative and life giving power of flow in any living system.

Stuart Larson is the owner and principal of Ferron Creek, LLC. Stu is an executive with 25 years of experience leading global and domestic teams in the practice of Organizational and Leadership Development. During his career, he has worked with chemical, biotech, agricultural, manufacturing, restaurant, outdoor recreation, consumer goods and non-profit / advocacy organizations. He thrives in building stronger leaders and healthier teams and organizations. Stu also serves as a Senior Fellow for the Conference Board within their Leadership Institute.

Stu’s passion for organizational development is second only to his passion for the outdoors. He loves the inherent flow experiences which come while skiing, hiking, biking, running, whitewater rafting, working, and sometimes just being still outside.